GROSTRONG® Vitamins and Minerals
A vitamin-mineral supplement for all classes of horses
A history of unsurpassed formulation expertise and leading-edge technology supports GROSTRONG Vitamins and Minerals. GROSTRONG Vitamins and Minerals provide the necessary minerals and vitamins to complement forages and grains, enabling horses to reach their performance potential. Along with good‐quality forage, GROSTRONG Vitamins and Minerals provide the cornerstone of Forage First® programs. With Forage First programs horses can be healthy and perform at their best.
Available in a 5-lb, 25-lb, or 50-lb granular bags; or 33.3-lb blocks
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GROSTRONG® Metabolic Mineral Pellet
A pelleted mineral, vitamin, and digestive supplement for all classes of horses
This corn-alfalfa-molasses free formulation is built upon the rock‐solid foundation of GROSTRONG® Minerals (since 1925) with electrolytes and enhanced with direct fed microbials to boost foregut efficiency and Prosponse® brewers dried yeast, known to improve digestibility of forage components in the hindgut. The convenient pellet
form is formulated for a one pound per day feeding rate and can be fed alone or in combination with other Forage First® feeds and supplements. This proprietary formula enables horses to synergistically accelerate the digestive process in the stomach and small intestine where maximum absorption takes place.
Available in a covenant 40-lb bag
GROSTRONG® 33 Ration Balancer
A supplement for all classes of horses
GROSTRONG 33 Ration Balancer provides the necessary protein, minerals, and vitamins to complement forages and grains, enabling horses to reach their performance potential. GROSTRONG 33 Ration Balancer combines the advantages of GROSTRONG® Minerals with high‐quality protein sources and digestive aids. It is the result of unsurpassed formulaon expertise and leading-edge technology. GROSTRONG 33 can be used on all classes of horses. It can be fed in combination with forage or as a top-dress on other feeds, or used as a mixer pellet in grain rations.
Available in a 50-lb bag
GROSTRONG® Ultra-Fiber™ Horse Feed
A pelleted feed for all classes of mature horses
Ideal for performance horses who require a low NSC diet.
The unique combination of highly digestible, fermentable fibers, GROSTRONG Vitamins and Minerals, along with limited amount of non-structural carbohydrates and no corn and molasses provides a low-starch and low-sugar concentrate feed that readily supports a healthy digestive tract. Coupled with natural-sourced vitamin E, CitriStim, and organic trace minerals this feed is ideal for performance horses.
13% protein (min), 8% fat (min), and 23 % fiber (max)
Protein-vitamin-mineral supplement for all classes of horses
A free-choice option to supplement the nutritional needs of all classes of horses on pasture or range. The tubs are designed to decrease labor cost and still provide high-quality protein, GROSTRONG Vitamins and Minerals, natural-sourced vitamin E, and added biotin. Available in 125-lbs and 200-lbs tubs. Also available as a:
20% protein (min), 5.5% fat (min), and 5% fiber (max)