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When the availability of forage or forage quality is poor, you can supplement your horse’s forage with high-quality forage products. Processed forage products are also excellent for horses with dental challenges or respiratory problems. You can even take forage cubes or pellets on the road in place of hay. Complete horse feeds, such as Patriot® Feed Easy® Complete and Patriot® Senior Complete, which include grain and forage are handy all-in-one products to use when forage supply is low or of inferior feeding value. And, who doesn’t like to give their horse an occasional forage-based, healthy treat? Our Forage First® Horse Rewards are a perfect occasional treat for your horse.

Forage First® Hay Cubes

A forage source for all classes of horses

  • Consistent, high-quality forage source

  • Compared to most long-stemmed hay:

    • Higher leaf-to-stem ratio

    • More concentrated nutrients

    • Less waste

  • Can be used to supply all or a portion of forage needs

  • Excellent choice for horses with dental or respiratory problems or for travel

  • Avoid blister beetles

  • Two product options:

    • Alfalfa (No. 80907; 15% protein, 1.8% fat and no more than 32% crude fiber)

    • Alfalfa/Timothy (No. 80908; 12% protein, 2.3% fat and no more than 32% crude fiber)

  • Feed in combination with other forage sources at 1% of body weight daily or feed as the sole source of forage

  • Cube; 50-lb bag

  • Consistent and maximum nutrient quality – Cubes are subjected to rigid quality control standards and must meet product nutrient guarantees

  • Reduced feed waste – Very little waste occurs with cubes as compared to the 20% or more wastage with long-stemmed hays

  • Made from forages grown in northern areas of the US and Canadian meadows far north of the known habitats of blister beetles

  • Less storage space needed

Forage First® Hay Extender 

A forage source for all classes of horses

  • Consistent, high-quality, alternative fiber-based product to replace home-grown or purchased forages

  • Use as a partial hay replacer for all classes of horses

  • Highly digestible, fermentable fiber sources

  • Less waste compared to long-stemmed hays

  • Can also be used as an ingredient in concentrate mixes

  • 11% protein, 2.5% fat and no more than 30% crude fiber

  • Variable feeding rate, depending on amount and quality of forage replaced

  • Pellet; 50-lb bag

  • Prosponse® yeast for feed palatability, digestibility and hindgut fermentation

  • Consistent and maximum nutrient quality – Subjected to rigid quality control standards and must meet product nutrient guarantees

  • Reduced feed waste – Very little waste occurs as compared to the 20% or more wastage with long-stemmed hay

  • Avoid dust and mold spores compared to long-stemmed hay

  • Less storage space needed

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